Sink Or Swim: How I Avoid Wasting Time For Better Results

Sink Or Swim: How I Avoid Wasting Time For Better Results

February 05, 20253 min read

How many times have you stuck with something—a project, a relationship, a business idea, a health kick that doesn’t suit you — just because you've already invested time, money, or effort into it? Welcome to the sunk cost fallacy, the silent killer of progress and growth.

What the Hell is Sunk Cost Fallacy?

Sunk cost fallacy is the idea that we continue to invest in something simply because we've already put resources into it, even if it's no longer serving us. It's the reason you finish a mediocre book just because you bought it, or stay in a dead-end job because you've been there for years.

Why I Switched My Website

I recently ditched my old website. It was a pain in the ass short term—hours of design, content migration, and tech headaches and still not completely how i want it. But I knew that sticking with the old, clunky site would mean long-term pain: lost opportunities, frustrated users, and stagnant growth. So, I took the hit and made the switch. 

Short-Term Pain for Long-Term Gain

The sunk cost fallacy keeps us trapped in the comfort of the familiar, even when it's holding us back. But here's the truth: taking on short-term pain for long-term pleasure is the key to unlocking your potential. Whether it's in relationships, business, or health, embracing this mindset will solve many of your problems.

The most successful people aren't just lucky; they're ruthlessly efficient at spotting what's not working and killing it fast. They don't dwell on the time or money already invested. Instead, they cut their losses quickly and divert their energies to more fruitful activities. This ability to pivot and adapt is what sets them apart.

In Business

Ever stuck with a client who pays peanuts but sucks up all your time? Cut them loose. The short-term loss of income will be replaced by the long-term gain of better clients and more profitable projects. Successful entrepreneurs spot these drains quickly and act decisively.

In Relationships

Staying in a toxic relationship because you've invested so much time? Break free. The initial pain of separation will lead to long-term happiness and personal growth. Those who thrive in life recognize when a relationship is no longer serving them and move on swiftly.

In Health

Skipping the gym because it's hard? Suck it up. The short-term discomfort will result in long-term health and fitness. High achievers don't wait for motivation; they take action and reap the benefits and use discipline to stay the course when they see something is serving them. 

Embrace the Pain

Life is full of choices, and often, the easy path leads to long-term pain. Embrace the short-term discomfort, and you'll reap the benefits in the long run. If there’s anything ive learnt lately its that you will save a lot of time by ruthlessly cutting things that dont work quicker. Sometimes you have to face up to the truth and reality that a business idea, a relationship or even a website, doesnt work for you. 

Long story short: the truth will set you free, even if its a hard truth to swallow and will cause initial short term pain. So, be wary of the sunk cost fallacy and cut things and people that dont work quicker and save yourself some time and long term pain. The faster you can spot and eliminate what's not working, the quicker you'll find success.

This newsletter is for the dreamers, the doers, the rebels—those who refuse to settle for mediocrity.

Stay hungry, stay driven.

P.S. If you're ready to take control of your life and start a freelance business, check out my course. No bullshit, just actionable advice to help you get started and thrive 

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