Whoever does not have two-thirds of his day for himself is a slave

First, you must understand that you will not build a lifestyle on your terms or become wealthy by renting out your time working for someone else.

What do I mean by that?

Very few people in this world become wealthy as employees. 

Sure, there are some exceptions in the form of high-level executives, but as employees, they still report to a boss and have to turn up at a particular time dressed in a certain way. 

If you want to determine your lifestyle, live where you want, dress how you want and build wealth simultaneously, you must choose another path. 

So the first thing you need to do is have equity as an owner, investor, shareholder or a brand that accrues income to you to gain financial freedom.

But what is the easiest way to do this yourself? 

Start your own business. 

The number of small one-person businesses is increasing day by day. Why?

Because most departments that would have made up a large business in the past, marketing sales, website design, and data acquisition, can be outsourced to external consultants for less than the overall expense of a full-time employee. 

The number of small companies that are offering these services has increased. 

What is the fastest way to have your own business?

Freelance your existing job. In doing so, you will have your enterprise and everything surrounding that and beyond that will become MUCH easier. But more on that later.

In the future, virtually everyone will be working for themselves. 

Okay, perhaps not everyone but we are in the age of online information and skills sharing/acquisition, and the industrial age is over.

Now, everyman and their dog can sell information or skills online through data, knowledge or expertise sharing. 

In the past, we all used to work for ourselves, hunting and gathering for the family unit. 

The farming age and industrial revolution created this model, working the 9-5, bosses, schedules and times to show up, uniforms to wear and offices to report to. 

The pandemic showed just how outdated this model is. 

You are not free if someone tells you when to be at work, how to behave, and what to wear. 

The information age and online business is breaking this down. 

“Today, as always, men fall into two groups: slaves and free men. Whoever does not have two-thirds of his day for himself is a slave, whatever he may be: a statesman, a businessman, an official, or a scholar.” Friedrich Nietzsche


It would be easy for me to keep hammering this point home, BUT there are some exceptions to what I'm talking about regarding your life path. 

University and the 9-5 model are not useless to everyone. 

If you choose a vocation, such as becoming a doctor or lawyer, the world needs these professions. 

My intention with this course is not to talk those out of a career in saving lives. 

If you are that person or have a similar intention for your life or a similar vocation you are choosing, then this course isn't for you. 

Keep going, and be a success at whatever you choose and continue until you achieve a high degree of mastery at it. 

However, if you have fallen out of love with your current life, want more freedom to do what you want, would like to earn more and desire to build a life of abundance for yourself and your family, then you are in the right place.

Let's keep learning and building that mindset, shall we?

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