What are the fastest ways to work for yourself and create freedom?

The fastest businesses to start are online and require minimal, if any, startup costs. 

Online businesses have substantially lower overhead costs when compared to traditional brick-and-mortar businesses and can be launched quickly with minimal investment. 

Additionally, businesses that utilise your existing skills and network can be easier to start, as you already have the knowledge and expertise required. 

By leveraging your existing skills and network, you can reduce the learning curve and focus on building your business. 

Internet-based businesses also allow you to reach a wider audience and tap into a global marketplace. 

It allows you to avoid acquiring physical assets or learning new skills, so you can focus on building and growing your business and returning your time immediately without worrying about significant financial risks.

Why am I so focused on what you can start quickly?

Because the sooner you get back your time, the better.

Time is your only resource that you will never get back once spent

If you are still working for a company that's not your own, for a salary, they are paying you for your time. 

Essentially, your time has a price, and you are selling it. 

During the hours you are contracted for that company, they own you.

It sounds horrible to put it like that, but it's true. 

Even in the most excellent sense, you are contractually obliged to spend your work time specifically on work projects for that company. 

Moreover, those work projects can seep into your everyday life if you work in an exceptionally high workload/fast-paced environment. 

If your time is still not under your control, you will struggle to live life the way you want to. 

Having your own business is crucial to starting to control your own time; therefore, the quicker you create your own business, the faster you manage your time.

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